per month
- No credit card required
- Unlimited sources
- Unlimited drains
- Unlimited environments
- Unlimited team members
- Access to the firehose drain
- 1gb transfer per month
per 10 gb per month
- 50 cents per gb
- Unlimited sources
- Unlimited drains
- Unlimited environments
- Unlimited team members
- Access to the firehose drain
- Configurable data cap for billing protection
- Priority processing
Supported sources
React Native
Supported drains





Google Cloud Logging




New Relic




Frequently Asked Questions
What is log transport?
We do not host or save logs on our servers, we simply forward them to their final destination.
What is a drain?
A drain is any service that accepts logs delivered via HTTPS. We take the logs from the device and batch them to any and all drains you've configured.
What is a source?
A source is any app that generates logs. This could your iOS application, Android application, or any other client side application.
How is billing calculated?
We calculate based on logs delivered, you are not billed for unsuccessful delivery. For example, if one source generates 1mb of logs and you drain to 2 places, you will be billed for 2mb of transfer.
What is the firehose?
Firehose is a temporary log drain that shows the last 2000 logs received in the last 24 hours. It is optional and can be turned off at any point.
Do the Birch loggers work offline?
Yes. Logs are persisted up to 3 days on the device.
Are logs encrypted?
Logs are encrypted at rest on the device all the way to your drain. Your logs are safe even if the device is rooted or jailbroken.
Will Birch sell my data?
We will never sell your data. Birch is not venture backed and has no shareholders. We have no fiduciary responsibility to maximize profits and no incentive to sell data.
Free vs Paid
The paid tier will have logs processed within 15 seconds of receiving them. There is no guarantee on timing for the free tier.
Are you GDPR compliant?
Yes. Birch itself does not collect any user data. You are responsible for the data you send through the system We are hosted in Frankfurt, Germany.